Anyone Out There Looking For a Role Model?

Whew, is this going to need Spell Check, or what!

On the occasion of I don’t know what, I heard a snippet of (it must be at least the 30th? anniversary) a debate between Gloria Steinem, Norman Mailer, Bella Abzug, it may have been Germaine Greer, and someone else, on what I think was the Dick Cavett show. But thinking on this more deeply, it may not have been those folks at all; but what the umbrella topic was was (there shouldn’t be two “was’es” there, should there?) Well, anyhoo! They were animatedly discussing feminism. I seem to recall Bill Buckley sticking his head in from time to time, so maybe he was on the panel as well. But…I digress (you KNEW I would work that in sooner or later so I might as well get it over with!).

But..I continue. Ms Steinem, I believe, led off with a line to the effect of “You know, Norman, it’s not easy being a woman!” I am putting severe strain on my already limited recall talents in trying to resurrect a conversation held a long time ago; but here goes… Norman Mailer responds with,  “Well, it ain’t no picnic being a man either, sweetheart!”

Now, please indulge me with a little slack here, but o.k., so Norman was a caveman misogynist of the greatest ilk, hairy back and all. A troglodyte, certainly!  (Serious digression up ahead:  Now, one would think that everything about us humans would have, once upon a time, had some evolutionary purpose…but, come on…a hairy back? Nowadays, it would be a hassle having a lot of hair on your back—it would make your shirts at a minimum, be ill-fitting! And, beyond that would come the “cumbersomeosity.” Let’s say it’s a steamy summer day in NYC. Realistically, you can’t wear shorts without scaring little kids. Your legs look like generous croquet wickets, for God’s sake! So… you get the brilliant idea to shave your back to “lighten the load” so to speak. Now, I seem to recall what was presented as a truism was that if you cut certain hair it will come roaring back with twice the force. Well, by golly, you don’t want that to happen! No sirree!  Tommy, wasn’t there a Seinfeld episode about Kramer and his adventures with shaving his back, and maybe Jerry, too?).

So…back to the topic at hand;  feminism.  This lengthy scenic diversion brings me to kind of a topic for today…women looking for an inspired role model, look no further. A must-see movie (there aren’t many, mind you!) would be “RBG,” and something else in the title. I tried to Google search it but I ended up with lots of information on totally unrelated topics so I gave up.  RBG are the initials of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a slight but ferocious woman who happens to be a Supreme Court Justice.  Anyone who has tried to do ‘planks’ (a grueling core exercise) will stand (or sit back) in awe of Ms. Ginsburg.  She energetically pursues the activity for longer than I can, for sure (reportedly, Michelle Obama can ‘plank’ for 3 minutes, but she’s a lot younger than Ruth…or me.  Try it sometime).

Positive role models right now are hard to come by.   I personally would not place our ‘Commander (Buffoon in Chief’ in that category.  But…Ms. Ginsburg, a Bill Clinton appointee, has weathered the test of time.  Backing off of my role as a political agnostic, I need to confess that I was duly impressed; and I think you should see this movie, over all of the super-hero, Star Wars, ‘splosions that you can currently choose from.



5 thoughts on “Anyone Out There Looking For a Role Model?

  1. I love your blog- am not humorous enough to respond with something clever or funny– but I sure loved the movie RBG- and she relly does those planks just like you said. Boy, I have set some new goals after watching that movie. Maybe not planking for 3 minutes but perhaps child’s pose for 2? Oh yes, and then there s another goal- about telling the truth and standing up for what is right. Just not always sure how to do that….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Here I sit in my room at the Doubletree in Toronto, on my way to Cape Breton. It’s overcast and gray today, but it’s another day I’ve never had before, full of possibilities. We will fly from here at 11:45 to Sydney, pick up a car, and drive to The Fiddle and the Sea in Port Hood. Terry is sleeping soundly after a restless night. Thank you for responding to my recent blog post. I really appreciate the time it took to do that. I started the blog because I was becoming swamped with my musings written on cocktail napkins and used receipts, but I also write things that I hope will strike a chord in others. I’ve been getting some good feedback and in addition to people’s reactions, I have a chance to respond to them. I have some rough drafts of future posts that I hope will be of interest. I think I’ve lost my status as a political agnostic, particularly when I read Robert Reich’s writing about Steve Bannon and his veiled threats of violence if Trump doesn’t get elected in 2020. We loved the picture of Gemma at an aquarium? zoo? I have proclaimed her the second cutest baby in the world!


  2. RBG was a friend of Antonin Scalia. Planks….shmanks….any woman who sits on the Supreme Court but thinks we can gather judicial inspiration from the South African Constitution (she really REALLY said that) needs the friendship of a Scalia for me to stay calm when I read her opinions…That should soothe the Scalia haters, I suppose…. (That and she agrees that Roe v. Wade was very badly decided— BUT agrees with it anyway. Go figure.)
    And in 2018 who is less relevant—Reich or Bannon? Two horrible messengers with two pretty horrible messages. The Trumpsters are true believers and are NOT going to leave the reservation while the #NeverTrumpers have still not figured out how he got elected and don’t seem interested in finding out, either. Rog knows I was an original #NeverTrumpster…but was also a #NeverHillary and so I am still licking my wounds that my write in vote for the Dahl Presidency seems to have been cast in vain!!
    Oh the humanity!! (Wait,,,that was for the Hindenberg—Never Mind!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I didn’t (don’t) hate Antonin Scalia. In fact, hate is such a strong emotion, I don’t really think there’s anyone I hate. I wouldn’t want to go on a hunting trip Scalia or Cheney, though. I think it’s good, and probably essential, that the Supreme Court have a wide diversity of opinion on just about any topic. Isn’t that the whole point? That would fit neatly under the heading “Checks and Balances.” I do admire RBG’s work ethic at the ripe age of 80+. That shows some tenacity.


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